Cat Health and Hygiene
Cats are generally very clean animals, and are easily house trained. Ensure their ongoing health and wellbeing with a healthy diet, up-to-date vaccinations and clean, warm place to live.
All cats need to be vaccinated against Feline Leukaemia, Feline Parvovirus, Flu, each of which is highly contagious and fatal illnesses.
To ensure the ongoing health of your entire family, all kittens should be vaccinated between weeks eight and ten, with a secondary dose due at week 12. Booster vaccinations will be required at 15 months, and annually thereafter.
Unfortunately, even with spotless homes and the cleanest of pets, fleas are some ething that can be a problem for every cat, and in addition to being irritating to the skin, if left untreated they can cause severe problems not only for your cat, but for the other residents of your home too!
Symptoms of Fleas
- Frequent scratching, particularly on the lower back, above the tail
- Inflammation of the skin
- Restlessness and distress
Treatment of Fleas
The first thing to remember about treating for fleas is that you must also treat the environment in which your cat is living so there bed, her favourite chair, all need to be treated.
If you discover fleas, a multi-treatment programme is recommended which includes:
- Wash the cats coat
- Treat your cat regularly with a preventative flea treatment
- Apply a full home flea treatment to your cats living quarters this may also mean that your home needs to be treated in full
Remember Fleas can lay as many as 20 eggs per day, and up to 500 in their lifetime, so early frequent preventative treatment is recommended.
Like fleas, worms are a common problem for cats that can cause severe discomfort if not treated. Kittens should be given a preventative treatment every two weeks until they reach six months, following which an additional treatment every three months for life.
Cats by their nature very clean animals, and are easily house trained. Longer haired breeds will require regular brushing and bathing to prevent matting and keep their coat healthy and clean. Short haired breeds should not need to be bathed unless their coats have become particularly soiled.
Nail clipping
Cats nails can get very sharp and they will want a place to scratch them it is recommended that you provide your cat with a custom made scratch post or she will choose her own a chair, your sofa or that family heirloom that has survived four generations! Scratching will help to keep her nails trim. Cats nails can be clipped, but it is recommended that you seek experienced assistance to do this as her nails contain a vein which will bleed if cut.
Hi, very nice website, cheers!