All About Our Lovely Pets




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What is it like owning a cat? Everything You Need To Know

What is it like owning a cat? Everything You Need To Know

A Cat Lover’s Guide To Owning A Cat Few pets are as entertaining and rewarding as cats. Getting a cat will ensure that you not only have a wonderful four-legged companion in your home, but you’ll also have a great source of laughs and entertainment, […]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare elementum varius. In viverra pulvinar augue, ac hendrerit enim volutpat ac. Donec imperdiet pellentesque commodo. Proin feugiat pellentesque laoreet. Suspendisse nec velit ut arcu molestie consectetur non vitae lacus. Sed dapibus sollicitudin lorem, quis rutrum dolor finibus dapibus. Proin aliquam lacus at orci vehicula lacinia. Mauris eu quam vel risus porta ultrices. Donec vulputate augue euismod tellus vehicula scelerisque. Pellentesque tincidunt posuere malesuada.

Sed ligula arcu, euismod eu ipsum vitae, rhoncus euismod orci. Ut ut leo mauris. Nunc ultrices erat id nunc tincidunt, ac laoreet erat venenatis. Vestibulum molestie vitae ipsum tempor ultricies. Nulla ultricies bibendum interdum. Duis tincidunt nisi eu justo consectetur, tempus cursus turpis consectetur. Aliquam at ante vel sem bibendum imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, magna id accumsan interdum, justo odio volutpat nibh, ac vulputate odio arcu et felis. Fusce aliquam, ligula at iaculis auctor, sapien ante tristique justo, ut fringilla odio nulla eget ligula. Duis finibus ante massa, vel sodales metus scelerisque vel. Quisque a iaculis tortor. Morbi faucibus, purus sed tincidunt sodales, purus urna finibus ex, sit amet vestibulum sapien turpis sit amet ante.

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Cat Health and Hygiene

Cat Health and Hygiene

Cat Health and Hygiene Cats are generally very clean animals, and are easily house trained. Ensure their ongoing health and wellbeing with a healthy diet, up-to-date vaccinations and clean, warm place to live. Vaccinations All cats need to be vaccinated against Feline Leukaemia, Feline Parvovirus, Flu, […]

Why do cats sleep all the time?

Why do cats sleep all the time?

Whether lolling in the sun or curled up on the couch, it may seem like your cat sleeps all day. In fact, cats spend an average of 16 hours a day sleeping! But why do cats sleep so much? And should you ever be concerned about your cats sleeping habits?

They’re conserving energy

Like their ancestors, cats are predatory animals, and crepuscular too! This means that they’re predisposed to hunt and be most active at dusk and dawn. While your kitty may not “hunt” the way a lion or tiger does, she still spends lots of time pouncing, stalking, and playing. This takes up lots of energy! Cats sleep so much during the day in order to conserve as much energy as possible.

They’re not quite sleeping

While cats get lots of shut eye, only 25 percent of that time is spent in deep sleep. The rest of the time they’re dozing in a light sleep. You can tell because a cat in light sleep will twitch his or her ears, respond to noises, and wake more easily. In other words, kitty probably isn’t sleeping quite as heavily as you think.

They may be ill

While all cats sleep during the day, factors such as age, personality, and even the weather can have an effect. Kittens and older cats, for example, tend to sleep longer: closer to 18 hours. Cold temperatures and rainy days can also cause kitty to get a little sleepy. However, health is an important factor too. If you notice your cat sleeping far more than usual, don’t hesitate to check with the vet to make sure it’s not hypothyroidism or another serious ailment.

Can your cat and dog become friends?

Can your cat and dog become friends?

Can your cat and dog become friends? The secret to starting and maintaining a loving relationship between your dog and a new cat (or vice versa) lies within how carefully you introduce them to each other. You have already made the decision to bring a […]